My Spiritual Journey
I feel like I've come home,
my heart and spirit are at peace
- Aaron Zev Katz
Aaron Zev Katz's life in music began at the age of two when his father, a professional drummer, gave him his first drum set. Aaron's mother was a cantor at Temple Sinai in Worcester, Mass and filled Aaron's early life with spirituality, music and Jewish identity. Aaron would accompany his mother at services on drums and piano as well as travel to nursing homes and care facilities spreading the joy and healing powers of Jewish music and prayer.
While attending Worcester Academy prep school, Aaron was recruited to play drums for Worcester Polytechnic's big band and small ensembles. After his graduation, Aaron entered The University of New Hampshire on a music scholarship. He quickly earned the position of first seat drummer in the Jazz department big band, a feat rarely attained by an incoming freshman. In Aaron's sophomore year, he founded the funk ensemble, Vitamin C. The band would go on to become the most popular attraction on campus as well as in local clubs and theatres.
Following graduation, Aaron became a singer/songwriter, drummer for the nationally touring band and organization, Percy Hill, and Aaron began working as a professional touring musician and producer. For the next decade-plus, Aaron toured the country, inspiring people with his love and spirituality-filled music and message. In 2001, Percy Hill won album of the year for Color In Bloom. To this day, Color In Bloom sells online and on vinyl and is considered by many to be one of the greatest jamband studio albums of all time.
In 2009, Aaron moved to Salem, Mass and began working for the non-profit organization The Plummer Home For Boys (now Plummer Youth Promise) offering music for the at-risk youth living in the group home. Aaron went on to create and run the music program at Plummer for the next 12 years. Aaron gave Plummer youth opportunities to express their lives and emotions in ways they had never known. While at Plummer, the music program performed for thousands at youth-at-risk conferences and events. The program also released seven albums of holiday and original material all created and produced by participants of the program. Plummer had Aaron work at their facility in the Point section of Salem, which served at-risk youth as well as court-ordered clients seeking diversion. While at Plummer, Aaron led music therapy, anger management and meditation groups. Aaron also led sports programming and job training.
In 2021, Aaron brought his band to Camp Avoda, a Jewish summer camp, and it proved to be a life-changing experience. Aaron deeply felt a re-connection to his Jewish roots. After returning home to Judaism, Aaron became the much-loved Music Director and Songleader of TBA, as well as Songleader and After School Specialist at Epstein Hillel School and North Shore JCC. Aaron has never felt more daily joy and fulfillment now being surrounded by his spiritual family, sharing the wisdom he has acquired through his uniquely travelled path. He lives with his wife, Sarah Blacker, a professional musician, music therapist and psychotherapist and their chocolate lab, Bruce, in Salem Mass. You can often find them playing together in one of their professional bands, in the recording studio or walking Bruce on Salem Common.
Aaron has had original compositions placed with various television and film networks including CBS, NBC, The CW Network, TNT, MTV and VH1.